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CRS Keypoints: The Great Confession

CRS Keypoints: The Great Confession; The Great Confession, as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew (Mt. 16:13-20), Mark (Mk. 8:27-30), and Luke (Lk. 9:18-22), is a pivotal moment in Jesus’ ministry. It involves Peter’s profound proclamation about the identity of Jesus. This detailed article will analyze Peter’s confession, explore the occasion of the Great Confession, and examine its significant implications.

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I. Analyzing the Confession by Peter:

Peter’s confession, spoken with unwavering conviction, reveals a profound understanding of Jesus’ identity and purpose. His words serve as a turning point in Jesus’ ministry and demonstrate the depth of Peter’s faith.

Peter’s confession:

Peter boldly declares, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” In this concise statement, he recognizes Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah (the Christ) and acknowledges His divine nature as the Son of the living God. Peter’s confession reflects a deep understanding of Jesus’ unique role in God’s redemptive plan.

II. Identifying the Occasion of the Great Confession:

The Great Confession takes place during a significant moment in Jesus’ ministry, highlighting its importance in shaping the course of His mission.

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The context:

Jesus and His disciples were in the region of Caesarea Philippi when Jesus posed a question to His followers. He asked, “Who do people say that I am?” This inquiry laid the foundation for Peter’s momentous confession. Jesus’ question prompted the disciples to reflect on the perceptions and opinions of the people concerning His identity.

III. Examining the Significance of the Great Confession:

The Great Confession holds immense significance for Jesus’ ministry, the understanding of His disciples, and the foundation of the early Christian faith.

Establishing Jesus’ identity:

Peter’s confession solidifies Jesus’ identity as the Messiah, the long-awaited Savior. It affirms His divine nature as the Son of the living God, emphasizing the unique relationship between Jesus and God the Father. This confession underscores Jesus’ role as the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies and establishes His authority and power.

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Revelation and understanding:

Through Peter’s confession, the disciples gain a deeper comprehension of Jesus’ true identity. It serves as a pivotal moment of revelation, marking a shift in their understanding and paving the way for further teachings and revelations from Jesus. The confession allows the disciples to grasp the magnitude of their role as followers and witnesses of the Messiah.

The foundation of the Church:

Jesus responds to Peter’s confession by affirming its divine origin and declaring Peter as the rock upon which He will build His church. The Great Confession serves as a foundational moment for the establishment of the Christian Church. It highlights the significance of faith in Jesus’ identity as the cornerstone of the Church’s existence and mission.

Challenging expectations:

Peter’s confession challenges common expectations of the Messiah. It reveals that Jesus’ mission extends beyond political or earthly rule to spiritual redemption and restoration of humanity. The Great Confession confronts preconceived notions about the Messiah’s role and redirects focus to the transformative power of Jesus’ divinity and sacrificial mission.


The Great Confession, expressed by Peter in response to Jesus’ question about His identity, stands as a pivotal moment in Jesus’ ministry. Peter’s proclamation of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God, establishes Jesus’ divine nature and sets the foundation for the understanding of His disciples.

This confession reveals the profound depth of Peter’s faith and initiates a transformative shift in the disciples’ perception of Jesus’ identity. It also serves as a critical moment in the establishment of the Christian Church, highlighting the significance

of faith in Jesus’ divinity as the bedrock of the Church’s existence and mission. The Great Confession challenges expectations and emphasizes the redemptive purpose of Jesus’ mission, inviting all believers to affirm and embrace His unique role in God’s plan of salvation.


Q1: What is the Great Confession?
A1: The Great Confession refers to Peter’s proclamation about the identity of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God. It is recorded in the Gospels of Matthew (Mt. 16:13-20), Mark (Mk. 8:27-30), and Luke (Lk. 9:18-22).

Q2: What did Peter confess about Jesus?
A2: Peter boldly declared, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” This confession affirms Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah and acknowledges His divine nature as the Son of God.

Q3: Why is the Great Confession significant?
A3: The Great Confession holds great significance as it solidifies Jesus’ identity as the Messiah and the Son of God. It marks a pivotal moment in Jesus’ ministry, shapes the understanding of His disciples, and lays the foundation for the early Christian Church.

Q4: Where and when did the Great Confession occur?
A4: The Great Confession took place in the region of Caesarea Philippi. It occurred during a moment when Jesus asked His disciples about the perceptions and opinions of the people regarding His identity.

Q5: What did the Great Confession reveal about Jesus?
A5: The Great Confession revealed that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah (the Christ) and the Son of the living God. It affirmed His divine nature, highlighting His unique relationship with God the Father.

Q6: How did the Great Confession impact the disciples?
A6: The Great Confession deepened the disciples’ understanding of Jesus’ true identity. It served as a transformative moment of revelation, shifting their perception and paving the way for further teachings and revelations from Jesus.

Q7: What was the significance of Jesus’ response to Peter’s confession?
A7: Jesus acknowledged the divine origin of Peter’s confession and declared Peter as the rock upon which He would build His Church. This response highlighted the foundational role of faith in Jesus’ identity and established the Church’s existence and mission.

Q8: How does the Great Confession challenge expectations?
A8: The Great Confession challenges common expectations about the Messiah. It redirects focus from political or earthly rule to the spiritual redemption and restoration of humanity through Jesus’ divinity and sacrificial mission.

Q9: What is the connection between the Great Confession and the Christian faith?
A9: The Great Confession serves as a crucial moment in the establishment of the Christian faith. It affirms the divinity of Jesus, solidifies the understanding of His disciples, and establishes faith in Jesus’ identity as the cornerstone of the Church’s existence and mission.

Q10: What can we learn from the Great Confession?
A10: The Great Confession teaches us the significance of recognizing and confessing Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God. It invites us to deepen our understanding of Jesus’ identity, embrace His redemptive mission, and build our faith upon the foundation of His divinity.

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