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  • He’s just greedy, period. He should be reported to his supervisors and issued a warning for being unprofessional because sincerely someone like that could partner with robbers or evildoers if he’s offered cash or […]

  • Well, I’ll speak for my self. I mazimoma my day and try to maximize each day.
    In the wee- say 4am to 5am- hours of the morning, I check my emails and started working on my tasks.
    Right after that, I have a […]

  • It’s money here, it brings out the worst in people, for the sake of peace, joint bank acct could be for general family savings. Each partner should have personal accts… Saves stress.

  • Sleep, plan, work on your plan, interact with optimistic people. Sleep again.

  • This is funny. Some people are just covetous. It’s in their blood.

    If he wishes to ask for tip from visitors (which is embarrassing) fine! But he should never soil the name of the company or the owner. That is […]