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  • How do you get over that inadequacy? That feeling that you might not be enough? That there are much people better than you are? Your partner might not fancy you for long?  How do you deal with them all?

  • wrote a new post 6 years, 1 month ago

    STIs, Sex and the Student.


    It has been noted that STIs are on an alarming rise in our higher institutions. A study conducted a while ago at the University of Abuja showed that 70% of the participants […]

    • Even sharing a bottle with someone makes me cringe.

      So may diseases spreading! The disease is the just consequence of the over stimulation of the sexual instinct.

      May we not have a share in this terrible consequences. And if in one way or another we have done something to deserve it, may we receive the light to cast the burden off… Amen.

  • wrote a new post 6 years, 1 month ago

    I’ve been circling this topic for so long now because I couldn’t get the exact words to fully detail date rape. It has more or less, become a norm on our campuses, seeping into the very fabric of our beings. […]