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  • We’ve been through a lot(he has been through more tho) and I don’t think love is the issue, I mean we love each other but he says he’s going through a rough phase and feels he should face it alone… I’m hurting […]

  • This is just hilarious honestly… the thing is as humans we all get attracted to beauty but it fades with time then you start getting irritated and annoyed about the person being dumb… so I’d be with […]

  • Dealing with depression or a depressed person is honestly one of the hardest things cause you really don’t know where to start from… just keep reminding the person there’s more to life, it’s really not that […]

  • Nah I don’t think you have the right to get mad, that’s even if you feel hurt cause someone you haven’t always had time for to hangout even if it was once or twice then you never really felt you needed to give the […]

  • Would you rather be with a physically beautiful, but the type of Patrick star from Spongebob dumb partner, or a very brilliant and insightful but the type of troll from Merlin ugly?