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Kehinde Alex Bankole Foundation Scholarship Full Support for 100 Students

Kehinde Alex Bankole Foundation Scholarship Full Support for 100 Students: Dr. Kehinde Alex Bankole, the esteemed founder of KAB Constructions Limited, proudly announces the Kehinde Alex Bankole Foundation Scholarship for undergraduates. The initiative offers financial support to academically talented but financially disadvantaged students in Kwara State. The program’s goal is to empower 100 students in its first phase by covering educational expenses for undergraduate studies.


ScholarshipKehinde Alex Bankole Foundation
LocationKwara State, Nigeria
Target100 students
BenefitsTuition, books, stationery, uniforms, equipment, mentorship, career development
ApplicationOpen now
CriteriaAcademic and economic needs, residence in Kwara State, enrollment in a Nigerian public or private school
PortalKAB Foundation website
SelectionAcademic and personal evaluation, references


  • Coverage of tuition fees
  • Allowance for books and stationery
  • Support for uniforms and equipment
  • Mentorship and academic coaching
  • Access to internships and career development opportunities

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must reside in Kwara State
  • Enrolled in a Nigerian public or private school
  • Meet specific academic and financial requirements
  • Demonstrate eagerness to excel academically and contribute positively to society

How to Apply:

  1. Visit the  KAB Foundation website to access the scholarship portal.
  2. Submit personal and academic details as required.
  3. The foundation’s selection committee will review the applications based on academic achievements, financial needs, personal statements, and references.

Interested students should apply as soon as possible to benefit from this opportunity.

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