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Student Village Academy Forums TECH AND GADGETS What is the difference between a Blog and a Website(must read)

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      isaac’s smart accessories.
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      Whats Is The Difference Between A Blog And A Website
      A chronologicallisting of blog posts. A commenting system that invites readers to participate inthe communicationand leave behind comments. Blog posts are archived by date, category,author, and sub-categories. (Really Simple Syndication) feeds for posts and/or comments for feed-readers like Feedly, etc.

      A homepage that displays content fromseveral sections ofinternal websitepages. A design portfolio of work.

      A blog might bea partof a website, butnot the only thing. A Frequently asked questions page that readers canbrowse toget more information. A page of client testimonials and feedback. Company’s terms and privacy statements pages. A Contact form that allows visitorsto get intouch.

      A services/products page that displays what they have to offer for the visitors.
      Authored By Srikanth AN A Shouter whose articles got mentions from the likes ofTheNew York Times, Kiss metrics and All Top Stories.He writes articles, novels and poems ;spends most of histime readingeverything he could get his hands on. Srikanth is currently pursuinghis Masters fromThe University of Illinois and holds a Bachelors in Electronics Engineeringfrom the University of Mumbai.

      He is a programmer,a motivational writer andspeaker.

      The article is intended to be informational purposes,and not with the intent of taking a stab at the internet. I believe everyone is a noob at anything, as there is always something more tolearn than what youknewbefore.So, the first thing younotice after you wander around the internet for a few hours is that you notice tons of websites and blogs sprawling petabytes of bandwidth.
      The first question that arises to many of them is what exactly a website is and what is a blog ?

      Many of them tendto confuse onewith the other and interpret ananswer oftheir own will. So,let’s just clear the air and reveal the difference between a blog and a website.
      The basic difference between a blog and a websiteis theoretically the differencein how data is being presented – the format. Apart from that, in practicality there is a fine line between a blog and a website, not much toponderabout however.

      There is somekey differences betweenthem and the=is should clarify as towhat youshould gowith for creating and publishing your content.
      NOTE:Please don’t ask which is the easiest way to make money. Because there is none. It takes a lot of patience,persistence and hardwork to make money on the internet.

      What is a Blog?
      A blog is basically a web log that a blogger makes use for chronological listing of blog posts .

      A blog has the most recent content shown first followed by the previously updated content.A blog can be easily startedwith services like , , etc.and do not need you to start something from the scratch, providing you with the entire system including design templates.

      A blog thrives onnew content and more updated it is, the more attention itwillget. That doesn’t mean tons of scraps will equal gold mine.Quality and regularly updated content are examples of a good blog.
      Basic identification ofBlogs:
      , , , , , , , etc.and the list goes on.

      What is a Website?
      A websitein return can be anything. Anything on the internet presented in HTML/CSS or Java/Javascript/Python/Php, etc. comprises of a website.A website may be complimented with a blog,but the home page wouldbe more for browsing other pages and not just posts. Fullyfunctional and eye-catchy websites are usually costconsuming tasks as youwould have to buildfrom the base up. However with platforms and services like Adobe Dreamweaver,you could build your own website.
      A blog can be a part of a website,in the form of a separate page and linked tothe homepage. A website is a bigger aspect and its limitations are little to none.A website could be anything from a single page to a 1 Billion- users social network (Say, Facebook).
      Basic identification ofa website:
      , , , Facebook,Odesk,etc,and the list goes on.

      Doyou need a blog or a Website?
      What you exactly want is what you need.Firstly, decide what do you exactly intend to do? If you are more concerned with creating contenton a regular basis for others toread, you should gowith a blog.
      If you want full featured online portalwith many abilities and infinitesimal possibilities, you should go with a website. If youhave a company,thentoo youmust have a website combined with a blog. But make sure you know a good deal of coding before you jump infor makinga websiteorshellout a little money and the coding work.One thing which you should know that most popular blogging platform ‘WordPress’ can always be use as a Website,and youwillget advantage ofSEOand easy management.
      Find it Familiar?
      “ All Applesare Fruits, But allFruitsarenot apples.
      All Blogs are Websites,But all Websites are not Blogs.
      I hope this clear your doubts about differences between blog and Website.Iwould love to know what do you feel about Blog Vs.Website,how would youdifferentiate between these two?

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