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Student Village Academy Forums GENERAL DISCUSSIONS What historical figure should have a movie but doesn’t?

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    • #48427
      Cowries: 6,805
      What historical figure should have a movie but doesn’t?

      Abu Tahsin is one of the deadliest and most feared snipers between enemy lines, and the leader of the terrorist group ISIS demanded $250,000 for his head.

      In Iraq, this man is known as “Hawkeye” or the “silver sniper” and has killed more than 384 ISIS members.

      Abu joined the ranks of the people’s mobilization in 2015 with the intention of driving out all “jihadists” from the nation. I clearly oppose wars, but it is astonishing what a guy can accomplish when he has a mission and an objective in mind. He is 62 years old and still fighting for his country.

      I believe that a film based on this man’s life would be amazing, provided that it is well made, had action, drama, and a compelling goal for everyone to strive for.

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