Growing up, once any of us started having hiccups,mum would call out,’Bring🥛for him’. Once you drank it, the hiccups stopped😂
Well,the WATER didn’t stop the HICCUP😂
What stopped it then?
Before I say, let me tell you a few things about HICCUPS👇
Though annoying,HICCUPS are a common part of life. It involves repeated spasms/sudden movements of the diaphragm that you can’t control.
The diaphragm is the muscle separating your chest from your stomach area & plays a big role in breathing.
The spasms causes the ‘HIC’ sound.
– Eating too much
– Taking excess alcohol/soft drinks
– Getting overexcited/anxious/stressed emotionally
– Sudden stomach temperature changes
– Swallowing air eg smoking,chewing gum
Hiccups from the above last <48hrs. Any hiccup >this might be from an underlying medical issue.
For most of us,hiccup clears BY ITSELF after some mins,WATER OR NOT!
Most of the home remedies we do like drinking🥛,putting thread on our head,jumping 7 times etc HAS NO MEDICAL BACKING
Dr George (TheTalkDoctor ™). [@TheTalkDoctor_]. (2024, July 5) <i>WATER DOESN’T STOP HICCUPS! </i>[Tweet].