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Student Village Academy Forums SCHOOL LIFE VC calls on FG to improve tertiary institutions’ infrastructure

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      VC calls on FG to improve tertiary institutions’ infrastructure

      Vice-Chancellor of Bells University of Technology in Ota, Ogun State, Jeremiah Ojediran, has called on the federal government to address the issue of deteriorating infrastructure at tertiary institutions all over the nation.

      In an interview on Sunday, Mr. Ojediran said that greater staff compensation and upgraded school infrastructure will assist combat the brain drain problem and raise the caliber of the country’s educational system.

      “The federal government must urgently strengthen infrastructure development that will support research and high-quality education,” he said.

      Mr. Ojediran emphasized that Nigerian academicians abroad were compensated highly compared to those within the nation.

      To slow the worrying rate of brain drain in the nation, he said, “Our government has to raise annual budgetary allocation to education and improve the welfare of academicians through higher remunerations.”

      The vice chancellor acknowledged that although the nation’s private institutions have contributed to raising the bar for academic standards and quality, much remained to be done.

      Mr. Ojediran emphasized that Nigerian academicians abroad were compensated highly compared to those within the nation.

      To slow the worrying rate of brain drain in the nation, he said, “Our government has to raise annual budgetary allocation to education and improve the welfare of academicians through higher remunerations.”

      The vice chancellor acknowledged that although the nation’s private institutions have contributed to raising the bar for academic standards and quality, much remained to be done.

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