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Student Village Academy Forums ENTERTAINMENT Twitter Threatens To Sue Meta Over Threads.

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    • #54001
      Esther Amadi
      Cowries: 1,195

      Twitter Reportedly Threatend To Sue Meta Over Threads App.


      According to reports, Twitter threatened to sue Meta over threads.

      After gaining more than 30 million users in less than 24 hours, Twitter has threatened to sue Meta, the patent division of Facebook, over its recently released Threads programme.

      Twitter’s legal team wrote to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg expressing worries about Meta’s alleged illegal appropriation of Twitter’s trade secrets and other intellectual property. The letter also used the excuse that Meta hired a large number of former Twitter employees who were aware of trade secrets.

      The impending lawsuit serves as a reminder of the growing hostilities between the two billionaires.

    • #54047
      Cowries: 6,795

      Uncle Elon is a sore loser. His new policies are killing his app

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