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Student Village Academy Forums GENERAL DISCUSSIONS True life weird story


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    • #76158
      Cowries: 6,160

      The Story of Juliane Koepcke: The Plane Crash Survivor Who Lived Among Monkeys

      In 1971, 17-year-old Juliane Koepcke was traveling with her mother, Maria, over the Peruvian jungle when their plane suddenly disintegrated in mid-air. Juliane was the only survivor of the crash, which killed her mother and everyone else on board.

      Miraculously, Juliane fell 2,000 feet into the jungle, still strapped to her seat, and landed on a thick layer of vines and branches. She suffered only minor injuries, including a broken collarbone and deep gashes on her legs.

      But what’s even more astonishing is what happened next. Juliane found herself alone in the dense jungle, surrounded by wild animals and with no sign of rescue in sight. She survived for 11 days by drinking water from a stream and eating berries and other fruits.

      During her ordeal, Juliane claimed to have been kept company by a group of capuchin monkeys, who would visit her and even groom her. She said that the monkeys helped her to feel less alone and gave her the strength to keep going.

      Juliane was eventually rescued by local loggers, who stumbled upon her while searching for wood. Her incredible story of survival has been the subject of several books, films, and documentaries, and continues to fascinate people around the world.

      This story is a testament to the human spirit’s ability to endure even the most extreme challenges, and a reminder that sometimes, help can come from the most unexpected places – even in the form of a group of friendly monkeys!

    • #76164
      Esther Amadi
      Cowries: 1,195

      This is truly weird 😱

      • #76169
        Cowries: 6,160

        Yes, it is

      • #76171
        Cowries: 6,251

        Wow…God is wonderful

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