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Student Village Academy Forums CAREERS AND JOBS Top 5 High-Demand Tech Skills in 2023

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      Top 5 High-Demand Tech Skills in 2023

      Employment are evolving to the point where it is anticipated that 85% of the jobs that college graduates will have in 2030 have not yet been invented.

      This implies that skills will have to evolve as well. AI and automation will play a significant role in this as robots grow more capable of performing more tasks. Smart, artificial intelligence (AI)-powered machines will increasingly conduct occupations that require cognition and decision-making, rather than just automating manual tasks.

      So, what does this mean for humans? Don’t worry; we’re unlikely to be rendered obsolete very soon. Rather, we will concentrate on jobs that machines just cannot do as effectively as we do (yet), such as those requiring strategy, creativity, or emotional intelligence.

      I predict that in 2023 and beyond, individuals who are successful in industry and business will be developing talents that involve supplementing our abilities with smart equipment and software while adding the “human touch” where it is required. So, here’s my list of five skill sets that will help everyone prepare for the future.

      Data Communicator/ Storyteller

      As we approach 2023, data communicators and storytellers will become more in demand and important to enterprises. This is because, according to Forrester study commissioned by Tableau, 70% of occupations will require working directly with data by 2025. This means that every organization will require interpreters, translators, and communicators.

      This skill set is about being able to effectively communicate insights, which means getting them into the hands of the appropriate people at the right time. They must, however, be entertaining, which is where the storytelling part comes in. Skilled data storytellers can see and communicate the data narrative. In practice, this could imply describing where the insights originate from, why they are valuable to the business, and how to best put them to use.

      Data storytellers employ both written communication and visualizations, utilizing technologies such as PowerBI, Qlik, and Tableau to identify the most efficient, memorable, and accurate methods of communicating findings.

      There’s a reason why storytelling has been humanity’s preferred method for imparting essential information since stone age tribes huddled around the fire at night. We are conditioned to hunt for meaning in them, remember them, and pass on what we learn from them.

      People with the ability to communicate and generate stories from data will become increasingly valuable as data becomes more central to the strategies of more firms, which is why this skill makes my list of the most in-demand tech skills in 2023.


      Because of the surge in home and remote working that began during the Covid-19 outbreak and is expected to continue into 2023, cyber security is critical for all businesses. Every employee will be expected to assume responsibility for the security of the data they are entrusted with and for developing resilience in their area of operations, which will no longer be limited to IT departments. However, this does not imply that the specialized cyber security agent will become obsolete; in fact, it is estimated that up to 10 million experts would be working in the industry by 2023.

      What this means is that whether you plan to pursue it as a career path or simply add it to your resume to make you more marketable in whatever role you currently work in, cyber security skills will be among the most in-demand for the foreseeable future.

      Home and remote working, the internet of things (IoT), and the ongoing migration of more and more aspects of our lives into the digital domain (as well as the metaverse) all have major implications for the ways in which cybercriminals can potentially make life unpleasant for us. Cyber security professionals harness AI to predict and counter hacking and DDOS attacks while also adopting the psychological approach needed to defend against lower-tech approaches based around social engineering. It’s a diverse skillset and one that will make anybody an attractive fit for the workforce of the future.

      UX Design

      User experience (UX) design, and the closely related field of user interface (UI) design, will become increasingly valuable skills due to the extent to which digital transformation is effectively turning every company into a tech company and every job into a tech job.

      This democratization of technology really just means that everyone, no matter what their role is, is expected to work with technology to some extent. And that means that technology has to be usable by anyone, even those without the skills traditionally needed to work with technology, such as software and programming skills.

      The skill of the UX and UI designer is to make technology intuitive and accessible to anyone, even if they aren’t used to working with technology. This will be particularly relevant as we move further into the era of low-code/no-code platforms, where organizations have the power to create applications for their customers or their workforces without needing to engage software engineers and execute lengthy and costly software development projects.

      Increasingly, whether or not a user (customer or employee) continues to engage with a tool, application, or piece of technology will come down to whether they have a positive, enjoyable, and hassle-free experience while they are doing so. As consumers continue to value experience above other aspects of products and services they purchase (such as value-for-money or quality), then the skillset of the UX designer will become increasingly in demand.

      Digital Marketing

      We live in an attention economy – meaning our attention is increasingly the most valuable commodity we have to give, and capturing it is the number one priority for brands and businesses. Digital marketing involves harnessing the cumulative power of any number of technological solutions designed to get the attention of customers and put your products and services at the front of their minds. From paid social media advertising to influencer-led campaigns, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing funnels, and cutting-edge channels like metaverse and augmented reality (AR), digital marketing involves a diverse set of digital skills ranging from technical to creative. Good marketers can specialize in one, several, or many – and as long as they can use their field of expertise to push the needle on whatever metrics matter to their organization, they won’t find themselves out of a job in 2023. This year, many more digital marketers will find themselves augmenting their human creative and strategic abilities with AI-empowered tools that help with audience targeting and segmentation.

      And finally – one skill to rule them all…

      If you’ve been paying attention, you will have noticed that artificial intelligence plays a key part in all of the skills I’ve mentioned here – specifically, the ability to work alongside AI in a manner that is today frequently described as “augmented working.” Data communicators have AI tools that can suggest the most effective forms of visualization and storytelling to get their insights across. Cyber security professionals use AI to analyze network traffic and spot potential attacks before they cause damage. UX designers use AI-assisted analytics of user behavior to determine which features and functionality should be prioritized. And digital marketers have many AI tools at their disposal for predicting audience behavior and even creating copy and content.

      The ability to spot opportunities to augment your or your organization’s human skillset with AI, and put tools and platforms to work to do so, will possibly be the most valuable skill of all in 2023 and beyond.

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