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Student Village Academy Forums HEALTH AND RELATIONSHIPS Things we do that Damage our Kidneys.

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    • #6273

      There are some habits we occasionally do, sometimes unknowingly, that can be quite detrimental to the health of our kidney. 

      Not drinking enough water

      When you always drink water, it can go a long way in preventing kidney stones.  This is because the kidney depends on liquids to work properly. So, when the thirst comes with all its might, don’t go all stingy with your water intake. It is good for the health of your baby.

      Go easy on the salt

      It can be so easy to reach out to the salt shaker and add a little bit, and then some more. Reduce foods and snacks that are high in sodium. Instead, replace these meals with fresh fruits and vegetables.

      Not exercising enough

      Exercising can go a long way in keeping the body and cardiovascular system in perfect working conditions. It is good to exercise on a regular basis. You must not hit the gym to exercise. Instead, opt for walking instead of driving, do stretches and many more. 

      Not sleeping enough

      Sleep is very important for your body to heal and renew itself. If the quality of your sleep is not good, it could block your arteries and increase your blood pressure; thus, increasing the likelihood of kidney damage.

    • #6276
      Cowries: 1,100

      I should sleep more ????????

    • #6279
      Cowries: 0

      Didn’t include smoking ???????? oh that is for lungs?? Lol

      • #6283

        Lol. Yes please sleep more.

      • #6284

        Smiles. Smoking is related to the lungs. I hope you don’t smoke o

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