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Student Village Academy Forums GENERAL DISCUSSIONS The world’s strangest food and where to try them

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    • #70559
      Jimoh Eyitayo
      Cowries: 4,725


      1. Balut (Philippines) – This is a fertilized duck egg with a partially developed embryo inside, often boiled and enjoyed as a street food snack. You can try balut at various street vendors or local restaurants in the Philippines.

      2. Hákarl (Iceland) – This is a fermented shark meat that has a strong ammonia smell and taste. Hákarl can be found at specialty food stores or restaurants in Iceland.

      3. Casu Marzu (Italy) – This is a traditional Sardinian cheese that is deliberately infested with live insect larvae, giving it a unique texture and flavor. Casu Marzu is illegal in many countries, but you may be able to find it at certain markets or restaurants in Sardinia.

      4. Surströmming (Sweden) – This is fermented herring that has a pungent odor and intense flavor. You can try surströmming at specialty food stores or restaurants in Sweden.

      5. Fried Tarantulas (Cambodia) – This is a popular street food snack in Cambodia. Fried tarantulas are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. You can find them at street markets in Cambodia.

      6. Escamoles (Mexico) – These are ant larvae harvested from the roots of agave plants, often cooked and served as a delicacy in Mexican cuisine. You can try escamoles at traditional Mexican restaurants or street food stalls.

      7. Stinkheads (Alaska) – These are fermented fish heads that have a strong odor and taste. Stinkheads are a traditional food of the Yupik and Inuit peoples of Alaska and can be found at certain local markets or festivals.

      These unusual foods may not be to everyone’s taste, but they offer a unique culinary experience for adventurous eaters. Just be sure to approach them with an open mind and a strong stomach!

    • #70563
      Esther Amadi
      Cowries: 1,410

      No pictures??? 😭😭. Now I have to Google each of them personally

    • #70564
      Jimoh Eyitayo
      Cowries: 4,725

      Sorry about that here are some of the pictures



      Casu marzu



      Fried Tarantulas



    • #70566
      Cowries: 7,565

      Woah! These look 🤢

    • #70673
      Grace Afoo
      Cowries: 0

      The hàkarl looks good but I’m sure it’s gonna taste🤮 with the description given

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