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Student Village Academy Forums GENERAL DISCUSSIONS The Nigerian Pharmacist Who Invented Alabukun Drug over 100 Years Ago

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    • #44203
      Shekinah Brama
      Cowries: 795

      The Nigerian Pharmacist Who Invented Alabukun Drug over 100 Years Ago

      ALABUKUN is a local brand that has endured for more than a century in the most unlikely area of commerce for the typical Nigerian: pharmacies. The most populous black country in the world, Nigeria, as well as other West African countries, are both major markets for alabukun powder. The brand is still one of the most durable in Africa 100 years later. Alabukun became well-known and accepted without any significant advertising. It is affordable, simple to identify, and offered in the majority of Nigerian drug stores.
      Jacob Sogboyega Odulate, also known as Blessed Jacob, was a Nigerian pharmacist, inventor, and businessman who created this well-known medication in 1918. He lived from 1884 to 1962. He moved to the neighboring Ogun State after initially being from Ikorodu in Lagos State. When he left Ikorodu at the age of 14, he trekked for three months before settling in Abeokuta.
      A time of British colonialism was the 1910s. Blessed Jacob developed this brand from his consulting room and laboratory in Abeokuta, Ogun State, in southwest Nigeria, despite all the challenges the English imperialists put in their way for the “natives.” Blessed Jacob managed to build a company that has endured for a century despite having no assistance from the government and having to overcome significant obstacles from the British colonialists who controlled the entire economy.
      The Alabukun company has been in operation for three generations, which is an outstanding accomplishment considering how few indigenous businesses in Nigeria have such a track record. After Blessed Jacob passed away, his son Wilberforce Olusegun Odulate (1933–2007), the founder of Kuramo Group, took over the family business. W. O. Odulate modernized the enterprise and further extended its reach to other regions of Nigeria, neighboring nations, and the United Kingdom. Alabukun powder is currently produced and sold by Copac (Nigeria) Ltd., a Kuramo Group subsidiary based in Lagos State, Nigeria. Rotimi Olukoyejo Odulate, 56, who is the son of W. O. Odulate and the grandson of Alabukun Jacob, took over the Group in 2006.
      Alabukun Powder contains acetylsalicylic acid and caffeine as its active ingredients. 760 mg of acetylsalicylic acid and 60 mg of caffeine make up each packet’s 820 mg total dosage. Although many Nigerians use Alabukun powder as an over-the-counter medication primarily as a mild analgesic for headache and other minor maladies, its uses are actually much more varied. It is used to treat a variety of illnesses, such as migraines, stroke, myocardial infarction, transluminal angioplasty, ischaemic attacks, and blood clot prevention. The following conditions can also be treated, managed, or prevented with it: toothaches, sore throats, and neuralgias.

      Alabukun powder’s pharmacodynamics demonstrate that it works by inhibiting the body’s production of adenosine and preventing platelet aggregation. By stimulating the heart and brain, these features lessen pain and improve breathing for the user.

      Alabukun powder should not be used for any of these conditions without a doctor’s prescription, just like with any other medication. And Alabukun may cause side effects, just like buying drugs. Asthma, swelling from fluid buildup, vomiting, nausea, and vertigo are some side effects that may occur when taking alabukin.

      Between the 1920s and 1950s, Blessed Jacob also created other brands, including Alabukun mentholine, other medications, and an annual publication called Alabukun Almanac that was widely dispersed in Abeokuta and eventually all of Nigeria.

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