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Student Village Academy Forums SCHOOL LIFE STUDY ABROAD The following 15 Universities in the UK🇬🇧 accept 3rd Class for a Masters degree, depending on your course.


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    • #48327
      Cowries: 7,135

      Some of them accept PASS self, depending on other criteria.

      1) University of Birmingham

      2) University of Kent

      3) University of Portsmouth

      4) Kingston University London

      5) University of Surrey

      6) University of Warwick

      7) University of Bradford

      8) Queen Mary University of London

      9) Northumbria University

      10) University of Bristol

      11) University College London

      12) University of Staffordshire

      13) Manchester Metropolitan University

      14) University of Sussex

      15) University of East Anglia

      Your job is to search these schools online and look for your course with the requirements. Goodluck.

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