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Student Village Academy Forums GENERAL DISCUSSIONS Teenage GirlAbandons Her Newborn Baby

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    • #6309
      isaac’s smart accessories.
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      TheDirector-General, CrossRiver State Primary HealthcareDevelopment Agency, Dr Betta Edu hasrescueda newborn baby who was abandoned by a teenage motherafter delivery atAndersonPrimaryHealth Center, in the creeksofCalabar South, CrossRiver State.
      Theincident took placeearlyhours of20th March 2018 immediatelyafter delivery by the mother.
      According to the staff on duty duringthe incident, Mrs Elizabeth Offiong, a Chief Community HealthOfficer said on her arrival at the healthcentreby 7.35am she meta young teenage girlat the doorpost ofthe facility lamenting over lowerabdominal pains.
      “Ithoughtitwas an infectionbecause most teenage girls herehaveSTIs andwillusually reject condom. butwhen shewas examined,I foundout the young girlwas pregnant andwas passing throughlabour. Not quitelong,she gave birth toa bouncing baby boy in our ward”, saysMadam Elizabeth.
      Madam Elizabeth said after giving birth the teenage girlrefused to undergoseries oftests asshe outrightly rejected the foodboughtfor her. Sherefused all our offersto treat her and rather insisted that shedoesn’t wantthe child.
      Mrs Elizabeth alsostated that the teenage girl who gaveher name asMaryBassey residing at No.5EdemNsaStreetthreatened to dump the baby in the gutter ifthe Government does not takeownershipof the child.All effort to persuade her to receivetreatment was unsuccessful asshequietly ran away and abandoned her newbornbaby.
      Shenoted that all traceto locatethe residential addressgiven by the teenage mother becameunfruitfulassuch address and name did not existin Bayside,CalabarSouth LGA.
      Reacting to the incident, whileon a visitto Calabar south creeks, the Director General of Cross RiverState PrimaryHealthcare Development Agency, Dr Betta Edu said she thanksGod that the teenager managed to even cometo the healthcenterto deliverthe child ratherthan deliveringat homeand dumping her in abin or toiletthat probably would haveledto the death ofthe child.
      Shenoted that her Agency andthe State Government ledby His Excellency, Senator ( Prof)Ben Ayadebelieves that everychild deserves to live, andevery childshould be wanted andbe planned foror ifyou don’t want to havechildrenthen takeupfamily planning.
      Shesaid in CalabarSouth, the CrossRiver State PrimaryHealthcare DevelopmentAgency is facingchallenges because therearea lotof teenage girls that arepregnant andmost of them are HIV positiveandit callsforgreat concerns.
      According to her,
      “Westepped uphealthSENSITISATIONin this communitiesandhealth workershavebeen going forhouseto housemobilization trying to convincethem to takeup family planning but the haverejectedFamilyPlanning.Theculture needs tochange, our chiefs need to helpus, churches andprayer houses need to join in this advocacy forfamily planning,thisyoung girls between 11and17 need to protectthemselves andabstain fromsex where possible sothey don’t havechildrenwhich arenot planned for or unwanted in the society withlack of motherly care”.
      Finally,shesaid the baby which hasalready been named Anderson(afterthe facility) will be knownas“ANDERSON AYADE” because State Government willtakeover the support for the child tillproper adoptionis done.

    • #6331
      Cowries: 1,100

      The spacing weren’t right. But I read it all. Lol

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