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Student Village Academy Forums JAMB Student Village What is JAMB Tool About?

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  • Author
    • #39139
      Cowries: 770

      I’m seeing JAMB tool on the student village website, I have an idea what it’s about, but I feel admin should throw more light on its features so other students can learn

    • #39144
      Cowries: 6,795

      One of the major things that DISQUALIFIES students from gaining admission through JAMB is wrong subject combination.

      Myself and the Student Village team deviced a plan to ensure as many Nigerian students that come across the JAMB Tool won’t be victims of such.

      With the Student Village JAMB tool, you can bet accurate JAMB subject combination directly from the JAMB brochure within 24hrs to your email.

      And it’s free.

      That is what it is about.

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