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Student Village Academy Forums HEALTH AND RELATIONSHIPS Physical Signs Of Stress In Students

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    • #39238
      Cowries: 6,795

      Physical Signs Of Stress In Students 

      When a student is stressed, you can develop symptoms that come across as very scary, hopefully you don’t Google your symptoms because many times that normal, the results you get will definitely increase your stress level.


      What Causes Stress To Students ? 




      Students are always thinking and worrying about lecture time, test deadlines, project deadlines, what to it, how to save money and now the greatest cause of stress to students. ASUU strike.


      Big life changes.


      More often than we’ll like to agree, some major life changes can take a toll on your mental and physical health, especially when these changes occur in your academics. Such as a low grade, or a failed test.


      Financial Constraints


      Lack of money causes stress in everyone of us, including students who many of them are dependent on their folks. The fact that you regularly have to bother of how much money you are spending or how much something’s are costing you, will cause you great stress.




      Nigerian schools can often be run like a prisons, the educational ecosystem in the country is still plagued with archaic practices that burdens many of the students. Lecturers play god and often approachable, all these little things put so much stress on the students.


      Other Causes Of Stress For Students Include 


      Not having enough time.

      Unhealthy lifestyle.

      Taking on too much.

      Conflicts in the workplace or at home.

      Inability to accept things as they are.

      Failure to take time out and relax.

      Non-work-related issues.

      Failure to see the humour in situations


      Physical Signs Of Stress In Students 



      Neck and shoulder pain

      Back pain

      Upset stomach

      Loss of appetite

      Lump in throat

      Heavy chest

      Tight muscles

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