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Student Village Academy Forums HEALTH AND RELATIONSHIPS Nafdac alert on unwholesome Sprite bottle

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    • #53822
      Cowries: 6,795

      Public Alert No. 022/2023 – Unwholesome Sprite 50cl Glass Bottles

      Attention! We want to inform you about a batch of unwholesome Sprite 50cl glass bottles circulating in Nigeria. Our team at NAFDAC received a consumer complaint and upon investigation, we discovered contamination in over five crates of the implicated batch.

      We have taken immediate action by sampling the affected batch for laboratory analysis and directing our zonal directors and state coordinators to conduct surveillance and remove the contaminated product from circulation.

      To ensure public safety, we will also conduct a thorough inspection of the manufacturing site to identify the cause of contamination and ensure compliance with regulations.

      The Nigerian Bottling Company Limited (Abuja plant) has been instructed to recall the affected batch and cooperate with NAFDAC for monitoring purposes.

      Product Details:

      – Product Name: Sprite 50cl glass bottles
      – Manufacturer: Nigerian Bottling Company Limited (Abuja plant)
      – Batch Number: AZ6 22:32
      – Manufacturing Date (MFD): 180423
      – Best Before (BB): 180424

      We urge distributors, retailers, and consumers to be cautious and vigilant. Please check the authenticity and condition of Sprite 50cl glass bottles before consumption or sale.

      If you possess any bottles from the implicated batch, kindly submit them to the nearest NAFDAC office. In case of any adverse reactions or events after consumption, seek immediate medical advice.

      Report any suspicious distribution or sale of unwholesome packaged food products to the nearest NAFDAC office, call NAFDAC on 0800-162-3322, or email us at

      For adverse events related to the consumption of unwholesome packaged food products, report to the nearest NAFDAC office or use our E-reporting platforms on or the Med-safety application available for download on Android and iOS stores. You can also email us at

      NAFDAC remains committed to customer safety and our agency’s mission!


    • #53861
      Cowries: 770


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