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Student Village Academy Forums VILLAGE POLITICS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS My Opinion on the Dapchi case.


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    • #6271
      Cowries: 1,100

      On the Internet, I’ve noticed people becoming insurgent experts saying FG should have done this or done that. Blah blah blah blah…. I understand though, they are mostly saying this because of the emotions. But id like to point out the following things.

      1- if FG had resolved to getting the girls the hard way, guns and stuff there would be more corpses than actual girls.

      2- I must condemn the lack of information from FG! Especially that horrible minister, from lying about their abduction to opening up that they were abducted. Tough to trust such people.

      3- 110 girls were kidnapped. About 106 were found. There were no records of boys being abducted. So it’s either they misinformed us or the boys were kidbapped but not among the dapchi girls

      4- Security needs to be beefed. Civilians can’t rely on FG or security agencies And people need to protect themselves.

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