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Student Village Academy Forums VILLAGE POLITICS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS MMM founder, Sergey Mavrodi is dead


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    • #6483
      Cowries: 1,100

      Sergey Mavrodi, the founder of MMM, a Russian company that ran one of the world’s largest Ponzi scheme, is dead.

      According to a report by Moskovsky Komsomolets, the founder of the MMM series of financial pyramid schemes, Mavrodi, died in Moscow at the age of 62.

      Mavrodi was taken to a city hospital from a bus stop overnight Monday, March 26, after he felt weakness and pain in the chest area.

      “The emergency team has failed to save his life. He died this morning,” the report said.

      Sergei Mavrodi created the company “MMM” in 1992. It quickly gained popularity and became the largest financial pyramid in the history of Russia.

      Source –

    • #6491
      Cowries: 0

      Guess he couldn’t survive the amount of curses laid on him????

      • #6494
        Cowries: 1,100

        Nigerians went for him! Lol.

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