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Student Village Academy Forums CAREERS AND JOBS How To Become A Social Media Manager

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    • #50591
      Cowries: 6,795

      How To Become A Social Media Manager

      Starting Out As A Social Media Manager
      Oftentimes when people ask me what social media management is all about or what roles social media managers play. Before I am able to respond they go ahead to say ” Isn’t it just to post?” if you intend to start a career in social media marketing or social media management you should not see it as just ”posting”.

      To begin as a Social media manager you start with one key ingredient. STRATEGY.

      Ask yourself questions, set goals, create milestones, create a framework that will help you learn all that is to be learned in the Social Media Management industry.


      Choose a niche (not cast in stone) –
      As a social media manager, you should choose a niche or an industry and set up roots in it. Though I didn’t do that when starting up as a social media manager, I have come to realize that niche-specific managers are more identified as experts than someone like myself who is willing to take up any job as long as I can research the industry. The niche choice isn’t only restricted to content niche but social media platforms. Some managers prefer to be experts in a certain social media platform and it works well for them. While others prefer to dive into as many social media platforms as possible.


      Enroll In Courses And Classes
      Social media management isn’t a course/subject taught widely in schools and colleges out there but every day there are millions of people considering the idea of being social media managers. Enrol for courses online, attend webinars hosted by experts in the social media industry, read blog posts about social media hacks and trips (like this)

      Students can find helpful tools and resources about social media management on the following platforms.

      Coursera, Udemy, Google digital skills


      Make Your Personal Page Professional
      Before taking up gigs, clients want to know that they are giving their brand/business page to a professional and no better way to show them than to deliver for yourself first. Take your page as a client, implement everything you have learned from courses and resources. Most especially, give yourself credit and room to grow. Remember what people say about Rome and how it was built?


      Create Your Offers And Pricing Structure
      No, I don’t know how much you should charge but I put these things into consideration when billing a client.


      Internet costs – How much will my service provider charge me on a monthly basis (I always have spare change for data in case there is a blackout and I need to move to another mobile network)

      Number of hours a day I’ll be on the page – The average number of times you’ll spend on a page, excluding attending to comments and DMs is 3hrs at the minimum

      Number of daily tasks to be done

      How much I can save from the pay– I love saving, even if it is as little as a dollar for every job or client I am on, I must have extra cash to save.

      After compiling this data I have been able to set a fixed price for my social media management gigs and I inform the clients that these payment structures are liable to review after a couple of months.


      Do you have anyone that wants to go into social media management? Share this post.

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