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Student Village Academy Forums HEALTH AND RELATIONSHIPS Health Effects Of Eating Sausages Today: Where I Stand

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    • #50467
      Cowries: 6,795

      I’m currently writing this article with sausage and bread In the one hand, so forgive me if I come across as very biased. I mean, it’s meat! Everyone loves meat.

      I’ve been doing some research and most people don’t have good things to say about sausages which are rather amusing. Maybe they are bad vibes.

      As I said earlier many of us love sausages but It took 22 experts from 10 countries, working on more than 800 studies on cancer to come up with these findings that there’s a connection between eating processed meat & cancer.

      Now my mouth tastes bitter.

      In simpler terms, eating too much-processed meat like canned beef and sausages can increase your chances of having cancer.

      4 Reasons Sausage Is Good For You!
      High in protein
      It’s meat, so definitely proteinous, great for building lean muscles and improving tissue health.

      Helps keep your blood healthy

      Sausages provide high levels of Vitamin B-12 and Iron, both of which are essential for healthy red blood cells and haemoglobin production. On top of this, B-12 helps you metabolise both fats and protein!

      Keeps you looking healthy

      If only there was food that could help your skin, hair and eyes look healthier? Oh wait, there is! Sausage contains over 40% of your RDA for Niacin, which is essential for helping you look good! So skincare goals involve Sausages after all

      Fends off a hangover

      Ever wondered why a cooked breakfast makes you feel so much better after one too many the night before? It’s because sausages contain high levels of Phosphorus- which is important for maintaining kidney function, as well as building strong bones and teeth!

      Personally, I feel eating Sausages isn’t equivalent to eating with the devil, but it’s unhealthy when the intake is too much. So for the sake of balance, maybe have sausages once a month?

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