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Student Village Academy Forums GENERAL DISCUSSIONS Freedom of Speech restrictions.

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    • #76055
      Cowries: 555

      We’ve seen instances where people are being reprimanded for what they say or how they respond to matters. Now, this is in direct violation of the Freedom of Speech that the civil rights has given us as an individual but nothing is been done about it.

      So my question is, “Do you think there should be a limit to the Freedom of Speech on an Individual”?

    • #76064
      Cowries: 6,251

      Personally, I do not think so, I believe the concept of freedom of speech is for individuals to be able to voice their opinions or ideas without limitations or fear…

      So the moment there’s limit to what one can say then it’s no longer freedom of speech…

      I also believe that everyone has right to their own opinion and it’s totally okay to disagree with someone else’s and not impose yours on them…we really need to learn to respect other peoples opinion .


    • #76138
      Cowries: 2,304

      Honestly, I don’t think anyone has the right to limit anything that doesn’t cause anyone harm. In as much as we try to justify this, it is wrong.

      Freedom of speech….it is in the name. No prefix like “partial or partly” freedom can be found close to it. The word “limitation” takes away the essence of the word “freedom”. If we look at a country setting just like In Nigeria, we would find that the limitation of freedom of speech is a common practice. The leaders don’t want to hear the truth and we enable them by keeping quite with the attitude that they wouldn’t do anything about it anyways. It is true most of the time but speaking up might not just be to call someone out when they are wrong but to ensure that there is an evidence of reprimanding in the future.


      While I don’t not accept speech limitations, I would also like us to consider doing things in moderation. No one has the right to stop us(so long as it isn’t causing harm) only we hold the power to. Hope this helps 😊

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