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Student Village Academy Forums HEALTH AND RELATIONSHIPS Five (5) Requirements for a Healthy Relationship.

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    • #43441
      Shekinah Brama
      Cowries: 795


      Everyone should be in a happy, fulfilling relationship, and with the proper partner by your side, it is very possible to achieve this. Here are 5 requirements for establishing a healthy relationship if you want to be that #relationshipgoals couple.


      1) Communication: A healthy relationship has open communication as one of its defining characteristics. Relationship partners ought to be able to express their emotions and understand one another.

      If it’s challenging to communicate your genuine feelings, more trust may need to be established. When we suppress our emotions, it may be because we’re worried about how the other person will react or because we’re terrified of being judged. It frequently indicates that we are still figuring out how to communicate successfully with one another, especially in new relationships.

      When one partner in a relationship feels the urge to shape the other’s beliefs or actions, communication can, nevertheless, turn harmful. Setting limits in this scenario may be beneficial. Healthy boundary-setting includes expressing your demands and stating your limitations, and a healthy relationship is one in which those boundaries are respected.


      2) Working through disagreements: Conflict and disagreements are inevitable in any relationship. It’s common to disagree with our significant other’s tastes, convictions, and values. Conflict can occasionally be an indication that a relationship has to undergo change. Couples that ignore or avoid disagreement frequently end up with higher tensions and unfulfilled demands. But more significant than the disagreement itself is how couples handle it.

      Any relationship—whether it’s with a friend, relative, or significant other—benefits from having healthy conflict resolution techniques that involve respectful communication and active listening. We cannot presume that others can view a situation from our perspective.


      3) Trust: In order to have a good support system, it’s critical to keep up relationships outside of our romantic ones. Partners in a happy relationship have faith in one another. Knowing that someone will keep their word is the foundation of trust. It may also imply that both partners in the relationship are comfortable spending time with their friends and families.

      When one spouse experiences jealousy whenever the other person talks to or spends time with someone else in their life, a relationship may become unhealthy.

      There may be indicators of abuse and mistrust if one partner accuses the other of flirting all the time or orders their partner not to speak to or engage with anyone else in their lives.


      4) Support: Being in a healthy relationship is one of the finest things because you know your partner is there for you and is supportive. In a good relationship, both you and your spouse will support one another and respect the other as an equal, whether that means standing up for you when someone says something hurtful about you or always being that rock you can rely on. Your spouse won’t attempt to control, subjugate, or manipulate you. They won’t be unduly possessive, but they will guard you well. They will encourage you to have a life outside of your partnership, spend time with friends and family, and work toward your personal goals. Partners who are supportive will always desire what’s best for you and won’t stop you from following your dreams. You won’t feel like you have to change who you are or make significant compromises in order for the relationship to be successful if it is healthy.


      5) Attention (listening and feeling heard): It is crucial to feel heard and to have someone listen to us. Both parties should feel somewhat at ease discussing problems, expressing themselves, and listening to one another in a good partnership. Both parties should feel as though their opinions will be heard, even though not every dialogue will be simple. The relationship may suffer if one person’s needs or feelings are disregarded. Making room for the other person is crucial for both spouses. Respecting one another’s feelings, needs, and ideals requires compromise and constant communication. Compromise, though, shouldn’t always be unilateral.



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