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      Erik ten Hag reportedly ‘pleased’ Mason Greenwood Gives Him A Call

      Erik ten Hag Mason Greenwood Man Utd

      After allegations against him, including an attempted rape, were dismissed, Manchester United manager Erik ten Hag reportedly called the striker Mason Greenwood.

      The Sun reports that Manchester United head coach Erik ten Hag called suspended player Mason Greenwood and expressed his “pleasure” at the dismissal of many criminal accusations brought against him.

      A court appearance for this month has been set for Greenwood, who was detained on charges of attempted rape, assault, and coercive and controlling behavior back in January 2022.

      On February 2, the Crown Prosecution Service decided there was “no longer a reasonable possibility of conviction,” and the 21-year-old had all charges against him dismissed.

      The player was suspended by United immediately after the allegations were made, and the club is currently carrying out its own internal investigation.

      Although a source told The Sun that head coach Ten Hag recently spoke with the 21-year-old on the phone after the charges were dropped, it is believed that the club had little communication with Greenwood throughout.

      The player’s physical and mental health are believed to have been examined by the Dutchman, who is said to have been “pleased” that the allegations against him had been withdrawn.

      According to the story, Greenwood, who joined the club when he was six years old, appreciated the gesture because up until that moment, all communication had been done through intermediaries.

      Any such call might not necessarily be a hint that Greenwood will soon rejoin the squad. Recently, United’s women’s team stated their unease at the thought of Greenwood returning, and it’s been said that the men’s team feels the same way.

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