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Student Village Academy Forums ENTERTAINMENT Cardi B offers up her kidney to thank Bruno Mars for featuring her on” Finesse”

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    • #6389
      Cait 😝
      Cowries: 1,000

      Cardi B is thankful Bruno Mars featured her in his hit song “Finesse”. Infact she is so thankful that she offered to give the Grammy winning artist her kidney.
      “@brunomars I want to thank you soo much! I don’t even know how ! Maybe one day you’lG Il need a kidney. I got you” She wrote on instagram. Congrats on your Wins tonight you deserve it.You sing, dance, play instrument, produce your videos . SH-T you probably know how to build a house. YOU are AMAZING… and you have me rythm .

      The song Finesse turned out to be a hit !!!

    • #6390
      Cowries: 1,100

      Watched the video today. Epic!!

    • #6391
      Cowries: 1,100

      Watched the video today. Epic!!

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