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Student Village Academy Forums LIFESTYLE 10 things you should know how to do (Basic life hacks)

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    • #43135
      Shekinah Brama
      Cowries: 605

      We can all agree that certain fundamental abilities, such as wilderness and survival skills, are necessary for every person to possess. However, there are several things you should be able to accomplish in this day and age. In addition to learning basic survival skills, we also need to develop this additional set of abilities. Never undervalue the significance of being ready for emergencies.

      This article includes 10 things you should know how to do


      1. You should know how to swim

      If you haven’t learned to swim yet, you should give it some serious thought. In a variety of emergency scenarios, swimming may be necessary for your own survival or the survival of others.

      10 things you should how to do (basic life hacks)

      2. Vegetable gardening should be something you know how to do.

      Even if you live in a city, you should try to learn how to cultivate your own food, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Don’t wait any longer if you’re interested in learning how to make these plants produce valuable output because it requires a lot of knowledge, practice, and time to do so. This ability might come in handy one day.


      3.You ought to be able to change a tire.

      One day while traveling, you might suffer a flat tire and be trapped somewhere without access to a car repair shop. What if nobody on the journey was able to change the tire? You can quickly learn how to change a tire, which might save you a ton of time and hassle on your upcoming road trip.


      4.You should be able to bargain.

      You can save a ton of money by using effective negotiation techniques. These abilities can also help you win the promotion at the job of your dreams. If you are skilled at negotiating, it suggests you have the upper hand and are willing to put up a fight.


      5.You ought to be able to administer basic first aid.

      You might get harmed, or even you, and you’ll need to know how to properly clean and bandage a wound when that happens. There may not always be time to wait for medical attention.


      6.You should be able to converse with people of all ages.

      When a person can hold a decent discussion with a 6-year-old or a 65-year-old without flinching, it is a sign of true maturity and humanity. You will also learn a lot about life if you do this on a regular basis.


      7.You should be able to jump start an automobile.

      This isn’t as simple as it appears. If you’ve ever observed your parents do this but never learned for yourself, now’s your opportunity. Don’t be caught off guard if the need arises. It’s highly useful knowledge to have, and it’s very likely that you’ll need it one day.


      8. You should be able to properly boil an egg.

      Too many people screw up breakfast. It’s time to learn the proper method to accomplish this, people. Undercooked eggs are not only unpleasant to the taste, but they may also raise your risk of contracting salmonella.


      9.You must be able to lift your own weight.

      If you can raise your own weight, you can lift a lot of objects without the help of another person. Strength is always a useful characteristic to have, and if you find yourself hanging off a ledge, you’ll be able to easily pull yourself out of difficulty.


      10.You should be able to protect oneself from both lone and group attackers.

      Why? First of all, learning self-defense increases your awareness of your surroundings. Additionally, you cease taking physical conflicts for granted. If you’ve initially learned the technique of self-defense, you’re more likely to be able to successfully avoid a conflict.

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