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Economics Past Questions For JAMB/WAEC/NECO Students V19

Economics Past Questions For JAMB/WAEC/NECO Students V19; These Economics questions are for students who are sitting for the following examinations:

Economics Past Questions V19 (JAMB/WAEC/NECO)



#1. Where is the headquarter of the African Development Bank (ADB) located?

#2. International trade takes place because of difference in

#3. Balance of trade can be define as

#4. Which of the following is not a feature of a perfect market

#5. Which of the following is the source of raising funds for a public limited liability company in West Africa?

#6. Which of the following is not an objective of the Indigenisaton policy in Nigeria? To

#7. Where was oil first discovered in commercial quantities in Nigeria?

#8. The real value of money is

#9. A tax whose rate increases as income increases is

#10. Which of the following best describes the multiplier?

#11. Net National Product (NNP) is equal to the

#12. Terms of trade simply means the price

#13. Which of the following constitute the major components of money supply in a development economy?

#14. A point along a consumer’s indifference curve shows

#15. If a monopolist is attempting to maximize profit , which of the following should he attempt to do?

#16. The greatest foreign exchange earner for Nigeria before the advent of petroleum was

#17. A budget is define as a

#18. Which of the following does not require the use of information from census?

#19. Which of the following is not a function of an insurance company?

#20. Malthus observed in his theory that population was growing

#21. At optimum population level, a country has its

#22. Which of the following does not give a characteristics of money

#23. Under the socialist economy , the decision on what to produce is determined by the

#24. Credit creation by banks is limited by

#25. Which of the following explains marginal cost?

#26. The effect of an increase in price on the demand for a commodity with elastic demand will be

#27. In perfect competition , the marginal cost curve intersects the average cost curve

#28. which of the following economic system is in operation in Nigeria?

#29. Giffen commodities are those commodities

#30. Effective demand in economics means

#31. Government can influence aggregate demand through all the following measures except

#32. The term production in Economics means

#33. The decision on what to produce is a problem in

#34. The law of demand states that

#35. which of the following is an important limiting factor in the application of division of labour?

#36. Which of the following does not encourage the location of industries?

#37. All the under listed factors directly affects the supply of a commodity except

#38. Economics is a social science which studies how

#39. Scarcity in economics means

#40. Given that TC = TFC + TVC and TR = AR x Q, profit is equal to

#41. The demand made on each other by the agriculture and industrial sector as the economy grows are reflected in?

#42. Foreign exchange rate in a free market economy is determined by?

#43. The primary objective of all international economic organizations is to?

#44. One method through which the Central Bank can restrict the commercial banks’ power of credit expansion is to?

#45. Which of the following is the cheapest for the government in improving the welfare of its citizens?


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