3 Ways To Identify A Fake IJMB Centre; The IJMB program has come under heavy fire in recent times from JAMB, the credibility of the program has been called into question and it is for good reason. Over the past years, there has been an increasing number of illegalities from various IJMB centres around the country that have tarnished the reputable name of the IJMB program.
For instance, there have been issues raised concerning fake results being issued to candidates, or Candidates being overcharged by their IJMB centres and eventually not being registered.
As a centre, Student Village Academy is saddened by these developments and would like to use this post to help students to avoid fake IJMB centres before they register or make payment for IJMB.
3 Ways To Identify A Fake IJMB Centre
Requesting For School Fees Online
Many fake websites will force you into making payments for your school fees online and not at the accredited study centre. That is a serious red flag, the only payment you are meant to pay online is your registration form, and you should never pay for IJMB to any personal bank account. If your school insists that you pay your school fees (minus the IJMB form) online, please just know that the IJMB centre is fake and you should not be associated with them.
Shady Websites – Baiting
When you want to register for IJMB and you see a website that isn’t looking like a regular school website, please be very careful. As a frequent internet user, you should be able to tell when a website is created to bait you for your money and not for the service they render.
As a prospective IJMB student, you should make sure the website you are registering for IJMB looks safe enough and the information or deadlines given to you, isn’t forcing (baiting) you into registering or making any payments.
IJMB centre is not on Google maps.
Every credible business, in most sectors, has its addresses available on Google my business or Google maps. To find them, you can simply Google the school name, and their Google map location will pop up. For instance, you can go to google and type in Student Village Academy and our centre will definitely come up. So before you register FOR IJMB with any IJMB centre, make sure they have an address.
While there are bad eggs in the IJMB industry, you should be informed that there are good accredited IJMB centres like ours, which aren’t created to extort students and their parents of their hard-earned money but to give them value for every payment being made to the school.
What You Need To Know About IJMB.
1. IJMB is an advanced level program
2. When you enrol for the IJMB program at an accredited IJMB centre, you don’t need JAMB.
3. IJMB runs for 9 months ( approximately 3 semesters)
4. Payment for IJMB at the student village academy can be made in 3 instalments
5. At the end of the IJMB program, you’ll sit for an exam.
6. IJMB is a credible alternative to JAMB and it’s hosted by Ahmadu Bello University Zaria
7. IJMB result is accepted by many Universities in Nigeria