JAMB 2022 is around the corner & you should start preparing for it.

Student Village is sharing 3 hacks that will help you score above 180 in your next JAMB.
- Read past questions – it might seem like a waste of time but it isn’t. From our experience you have a higher chance of passing Jamb when you study past questions. Please note, study smart don’t just answer questions & peep to the back to find the answer. Be disciplined when studying JAMB past questions.
(Bonus) owing to the fact that JAMB is not Computer based, students are advised to download CBT softwares for past question training or visit jamb tutorial centres who have this feature.
- Start reading NOW – We’ve see students who don’t read or attend TUTORIALS until jamb announces registration dates, then they start rushing & lamenting. Be smart, go into a tutorial centre near you to register for JAMB lessons / Start readin your notes & text books.
- Get accustomed to your school of choice – Check out this example, you can’t be aspiring for Unilag and be aiming for less than 200 in your JAMB RESULT. Knowing your school’s expections have a way of shaping your study methods & boosting your morale towards the examination.
If you need a tutorial centre, feel free to visit Student Village Academy, beside Gbenle printing press, Gaa akanbi Ilorin.
Or admission consultation, call 08023201628